Volcanic Eruptions
01. Situation in Tokyo
There have been 3 volcanic eruptions on Izu Oshima Island (28- to 36-year intervals) and 4 on Miyake Island (17- to 22-year intervals) in the last 100 years.
In a worst case scenario, a massive eruption of Mt. Fuji would result in ash fall reaching the Tama area and even the 23 wards, causing damage to the city’s infrastructure.
Volcanic eruptions may lead to the complete evacuation of an island

Volcanic eruptions on an island may lead to the complete evacuation of an island
Ash from Mt. Fuji will accumulate in Tokyo

*Central Disaster Prevention Council. “Working Group on Countermeasures for Wide-Area Ash Falls from Major Volcanic Eruptions” (April 2020).
02. Vision for a more resilient Tokyo in the 2040s
Maintain urban activities even if there is a volcanic eruption.
The lives and property of residents of Tokyo’s island are protected from debris flow, etc., and island residents can evacuate safely.
Even in the event of ash fall generated by an eruption of Mt. Fuji, transportation and lifelines will not be cut off for a prolonged period of time.

03. Addressing each crisis
Tokyo islands
Establish an environment that facilitates smooth evacuation of island residents in the event of a volcanic eruption.

Create waiting areas to board ships, designed to specifications, that take volcanic ash into consideration
Communicate the risks of volcanic eruptions to Tokyo residents
Transportation network
Quickly restore the functionality of roads leading to critical facilities.

Secure materials and equipment, such as road sweepers for removing ash
Designate priority to roads from which to remove volcanic ash and quickly restore the functionality of roads
Disposal of accumulated ash
Secure temporary storage sites for the total anticipated volume of ash fall from an eruption of Mt. Fuji.

Secure temporary storage sites for prompt removal of volcanic ash
Remove volcanic ash to restore urban activities