We will begin providing subsidies for the purchase of disaster prevention supplies and equipment for “Tokyo Stay Apartment Complexes”To improve regional disaster prevention capabilities, we will promote joint disaster prevention drills between apartment complexes and neighborhood associations


The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is registering and publicizing “Tokyo Stay Apartments” apartments where it is easy to continue living in your home even during a power outage caused by a disaster, and is working to popularize these.
We are pleased to announce that we will start accepting applications for subsidies for disaster preparedness equipment such as portable toilets, disaster prevention cabinets for installation in elevators, and food preparation equipment for registered apartment management associations and rental owners.
In addition, starting this fiscal year, we will expand subsidies for disaster preparedness equipment when joint disaster prevention drills are held between apartment buildings and neighborhood associations, etc., in order to improve local disaster prevention capabilities.
Take this opportunity to register as a “Tokyo Stay Apartments” and prepare for disasters.

1 Business name

Tokyo Stay Apartment Promotion Project

Todomaru-kun, the manager of the Todomaru Apartment Promotion Division

2 Application start date

Monday, May 27, 2024

3 Application reception desk

Housing Policy Headquarters, Private Housing Department, Apartment Division

4 Subsidy Overview


Registered apartment complexes will receive subsidies to cover part of the cost of purchasing disaster preparedness supplies and equipment.

Subsidy rate

Two thirds

The maximum amount

660,000 JPY


Conduct disaster prevention training using purchased disaster prevention stockpile equipment.

(2)Regional collaboration (new this year)

We will expand subsidies for disaster preparedness equipment and supplies for registered apartment complexes that work with neighborhood associations and other organizations to conduct joint disaster prevention drills.

Subsidy rate

10 out of 10

The maximum amount

1 million yen


  • 1)Conduct joint disaster prevention drills with neighborhood associations, etc.
  • 2)We are engaged in disaster prevention activities in collaboration with neighborhood associations and other organizations through the following:
    • Tokyo support systems (such as “Disaster Prevention Training for Neighborhood Associations and Apartment Buildings”) and subsidies for activities by ward, city, town, and village neighborhood associations
    • Disaster prevention apartment certification systems and disaster prevention agreements by municipalities

*For more information, please see Information on the “Tokyo Stay Apartment Promotion Project”.

5 Publicity materials

We also have brochures and videos that can be used when explaining the details of the system to management associations, etc. Please take a look.

This project is a part of the ““Future Tokyo” Strategy“.
Strategy 8: “Safe and Secure City Development Strategy”

Contact information
Housing Policy Headquarters, Private Housing Department, Apartment Division
Tel: 03-5320-5007
Email: S1090503(at)section.metro.tokyo.jp
*The email address has been changed to prevent spam.
Please replace (at) with @ when using the email address.


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