Prepare for wind and flood disasters by creating your own evacuation plan using the app!Expanded features of the app version of “Tokyo My Timeline” and new promotional video

Wind and flood damage

In order to prepare for wind and flood disasters, it is important to create an evacuation plan in advance that suits the circumstances of each and every Tokyo resident, such as the conditions in their area of ​​residence and their family composition. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government provides “Tokyo My Timeline” to support the creation of such plans.
We have recently added a new function to the app version of “Tokyo My Timeline” that explains meteorological terminology, etc. (Figure 1). We are also pleased to announce that we have created a new video (Figure 2) to promote the importance of creating an evacuation plan in advance.

1 ”My Timeline Dictionary”

(1)Feature Description

Weather-related technical terms are explained through videos and explanatory text.
Available in 4 languages.
(Easy Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean)

Figure 1 My Timeline Dictionary
(Expanded functionality of the app version of “Tokyo My Timeline”)
*The image shows the language setting selected as “Japanese”

(2)Start date of use of the function

Monday, May 27, 2024

Download the Tokyo Disaster Prevention App

Android version (link to external site)

iOS version (link to external site)

2 Promotional Video

(1)Broadcast location and period

  • JR East lines: May 27th (Monday) to June 2nd (Sunday)
  • Keio Railway Lines: June 3rd (Monday) to June 9th (Sunday)
  • Tokyo Video (YouTube): From late May

(2)Broadcast content (15 seconds)

Promoting the importance of using “Tokyo My Timeline” to check the flood risk at home and other locations, decide on evacuation destinations, and create evacuation plans before a storm or flood occurs

※Attachment: Reference materials (PDF: 659KB)

This project is a part of the “Future Tokyo Strategy.”
Strategy 8: Safe and secure city development strategy “Development of wide-area measures in cooperation with the national government, etc.”

Contact information
(Regarding the app version of “Tokyo My Timeline”)
Disaster Prevention Planning Division, General Affairs Bureau, Disaster Prevention Department
Tel: 03-5388-2486
(Regarding the “Tokyo Disaster Prevention App”)
Disaster Prevention Management Division, General Affairs Bureau, Disaster Prevention Department
Tel: 03-5388-2452


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