Emergency routes

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Disaster Management Facilities

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Areas with close-set wooden houses

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Earthquake-resistant homes

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Evacuation measures

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Tokyo islands

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01. Situation in Tokyo

A magnitude 7 class earthquake has a 70% probability of striking the southern Kanto area within the next 30 years.

Danger of buildings collapsing from a major earthquake

*TMG Disaster Management Council. “Estimate of Damage in the Event of an Earthquake Striking Tokyo Directly” (May 2022). Case of an earthquake hitting directly below the southern part of Tokyo.

Risk of major roads becoming impassable

*TMG Disaster Management Council. “Estimate of Damage in the Event of an Earthquake Striking Tokyo Directly” (May 2022). Case of an earthquake hitting directly below the southern part of Tokyo.

Risk of non-functional water and sewer systems

*TMG Disaster Management Council. “Estimate of Damage in the Event of an Earthquake Striking Tokyo Directly” (May 2022). Estimated rate of water supply disruption in the event of an earthquake striking directly below the southern part of Tokyo.
*TMG Disaster Management Council. “Estimate of Damage in the event of an Earthquake Striking Tokyo Directly” (May 2022). Case of an earthquake hitting directly below eastern Tama.

02. Vision for a more resilient Tokyo in the 2040s

Build a city that “does not collapse, does not burn, and people survive” even in the event of a major earthquake.

  • Earthquake-resistant buildings and communities that do not burn or spread fire protect the lives and livelihoods of Tokyo residents.

  • The transportation network that supports emergency response activities following an earthquake has been secured, enabling rescue and relief agencies to quickly reach their destinations.

03. Addressing each crisis

Emergency routes

Eliminate road blockages for designated disaster response routes.

  • Promote the removal of utility poles

  • Expand earthquake-proof support for buildings along roads

Disaster Management Facilities

Improve disaster response functions.

  • Develop roads that will serve as access routes to wide-area disaster management facilities and grade separation with relevant railway lines

  • Expand functions and promote the development of disaster-prevention docks

Areas with close-set wooden houses

Create communities that do not burn or spread fire.

  • Expand support for efforts, including the reconstruction of areas with close-set wooden houses

  • Establish a system for eliminating utility poles on private roads, etc., and for subsidizing the costs

Earthquake-resistant homes

Reduce the number of deaths due to building collapse, etc., caused by an earthquake by around 80%.

  • Expand support for earthquake-proofing older wooden houses in the new building standards

  • Expand support for earthquake-proofing apartment buildings in the new building standards

Evacuation measures

Eliminate crowding in evacuation centers.

  • Promote housing complexes that are designed to make it easier to continue living at home

  • Promptly disseminate information about crowding conditions at evacuation centers

Tokyo Islands

Keep Tokyo islands from becoming cut off.

  • Complete quays necessary for emergency transportation

  • Assess damage using satellites, etc.