Creating a City Highly Prepared for Infectious Diseases
01. Situation in Tokyo
Due to factors such as more global movement of people and things, new infectious diseases originating in various parts of the world are spreading beyond national borders and triggering changes in people’s awareness and behavior.
There are outbreaks of new infections throughout the world. Due to factors such as more global movement of people and things, new infectious diseases originating in various parts of the world spread beyond national borders.
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered changes in people’s awareness and behavior, such as maintaining social distance, avoiding closed-in spaces, expanding the use of remote work, and utilizing various modes of transportation.
Comments requesting the realization of life without worries about the risk of infection
Measures requesting the cities to implement after experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic
02. Vision for a more resilient Tokyo in the 2040s
Create a city that is also highly prepared for infectious diseases
Urban activities continue to play out as usual in spaces where people can avoid crowding and gather with peace of mind.
Residents can choose from diverse modes of transportation, and everyone can move about the city comfortably, without worrying about the risk of infection.
03. Addressing each crisis
Urban space
Create a city that enables people to gather outdoors with peace of mind, anywhere, anytime.
Create walkable urban spaces where people can unwind and enjoy taking a stroll
Develop comfortable, charming waterfront spaces
Modes of transportation
Create a city where cycling and other new modes of transportation are firmly established as a way to commute.
Use boats to diversify modes of transportation
Promote the development of space for bicycle lanes
Work styles & lifestyles
Create a city where people have flexible options, including living near their place of work, facilitating diverse workstyles and lifestyles.
Upgrade functions of existing buildings to improve work and living environment
Invite satellite offices to be built near train stations