The 16th Symposium on Reconstruction City Planning

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Date:2023/08/04Application deadline:2023/07/14 Venue:Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Hall, 1F

The 16th Symposium on Reconstruction and City Planning
Holding of “Preparing for Reconstruction and City Planning Support for the Great Kanto Earthquake 100 years after the Great Kanto Earthquake: Disaster Preparedness with Experts

Based on the “Agreement on Support for Reconstruction City Planning”, the Organization for Natural Disaster Reconstruction and Community Development, in cooperation with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, will hold a symposium on support for reconstruction city planning following the earthquake directly under the Tokyo metropolitan area.
We would like to inform you that we are now accepting applications for participation in the symposium.

1 Date and Time

Friday, August 4, 2023
13:00-17:00 (Doors open at 12:30)

2 Venue

Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Hall, 1F
To be simultaneously broadcast on the YouTube channel of the Machidukuri Support Organization

3 Program (tentative)

Part I

Keynote Speech “Reconstruction of the Imperial Capital after the Great Kanto Earthquake and Pre-earthquake Reconstruction

Part 2

  • Report on Reconstruction Assistance
    Reconstruction Assistance Efforts and Challenges in Miyagi Prefecture Following the Great East Japan Earthquake
    Reconstruction assistance efforts and issues in Hiroshima Prefecture in the wake of the flooding in western Japan
  • Panel discussion

4 Capacity

240 people *No charge, sign language interpretation available

5 How to apply

Please register by Friday, July 14 through the website of the Organization for Supporting Disaster Recovery and Urban Development (link to external website) or by fax.

Secretariat of the 16th Symposium Executive Committee Fax: 03-5289-8820

6 Organizers

Organization for Supporting Disaster Recovery and Urban Planning, Tokyo Metropolitan Government (co-organizer)

Agreement on Support for Reconstruction and Community Development

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Organization for Aid and Support of Disaster Recovery and Urban Planning have concluded an agreement on the dispatch of a reconstruction and urban planning support team consisting of experts, etc., the exchange of information from normal times, and the implementation of drills, in order to smoothly implement post-disaster reconstruction and urban planning and to quickly stabilize the lives of the affected residents.

For inquiries, please contact
Secretariat of the Executive Committee of the 16th Symposium of the Organization for Supporting Disaster Recovery and Community Planning (in the Tokyo Society of Social Insurance Consultants)
Phone: 03-5289-0751
Fax: 03-5289-8820
Disaster Prevention Management Division, Disaster Prevention Department, General Affairs Bureau
Phone: 03-5388-2587

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