We will start accepting applications for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Energy Saving Renovation Promotion Project for Existing Homes in FY2024

Tokyo is aiming to achieve “Carbon Half,” a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 (compared to 2000 levels), and will implement subsidies for energy-saving diagnosis and design to promote improvements in the energy-saving performance of existing homes.
We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the fiscal year 2024.
1 Business name
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Existing Housing Energy Saving Renovation Promotion Project
2 Application period
From Wednesday, May 22, 2024 to Friday, January 17, 2025
(However, applications will be closed once the budget amount is reached.)
3 Eligible recipients
Owners of housing (note), management associations of apartment buildings, etc.
(note) Detached houses, tenement houses, apartment buildings, boarding houses or dormitories
4 Subsidy Overview
For details, please see the attached document (PDF: 859KB).
(1)Energy saving diagnosis
Subsidy rate
Two thirds
Subsidy upper limit
170,000 yen/house
(2)Energy-saving design, etc.
Subsidy rate
- Conforms to energy conservation standards: 2 out of 5
- ZEH standard conformity: 4/5
Subsidy upper limit
- Energy saving standard compliant: 180,000 yen/household
- ZEH standard compliant: 360,000 yen/unit
*For details, please visit the Housing Policy Headquarters website.

Contact information
Planning Division, Private Housing Department, Housing Policy Headquarters
Tel: 03-5320-5459
Email: S1090501(at)section.metro.tokyo.jp
*The email address has been changed to prevent spam.
Please replace (at) with @ when using the email address.
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Power and Communications
Power and Communications
Power and Communications