FY2024 “Disaster Prevention Council for Flooding of Rivers Managed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government” to be held
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government established the “Disaster Mitigation Council for Flooding of Rivers Managed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government” in December 2017 and is promoting disaster mitigation efforts with related ward, city, town and village organizations.
We would like to inform you that this council will be held as follows.
- Date and time
Tuesday, May 14, 2024, from 14:00 to 16:00
- Venue
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building No. 1 Main Building, 5th floor, Main Conference Room (online method via WEB conferencing system is also available)
*Only members can attend the online method via WEB conferencing system.
Those who wish to observe should come directly to the venue. (No application required)
- Attendees (planned)
See Appendix 1 “List of Disaster Mitigation Council Members” (PDF: 131KB)
- Items to report
Status of disaster mitigation efforts
*The materials to be distributed to members will be posted on the Construction Bureau website at a later date.
For details about the council, please refer to the document “About the Disaster Prevention Council for Flooding of Rivers Managed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government” (PDF: 233KB).
Contact information
Construction Bureau River Department Disaster Prevention Division
Tel: 03-5320-5164
Email: S0000386(at)section.metro.tokyo.jp
*The email address has been changed to prevent spam.
Please replace (at) with @ when using the email address.
Wind and flood damage
Wind and flood damage
Wind and flood damage
Wind and flood damage