Regarding the holding of the “1st Tokyo Metropolitan Urban Reconstruction Master Plan Review Committee” in FY2024
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has established the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Urban Reconstruction Master Plan Review Committee to obtain opinions and advice from a professional perspective in examining reconstruction after the earthquake. We would like to inform you that the review committee will be held as follows.
1 Date and Time
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, from 14:00 to 15:00
2 How the event will be held
Online format
3 Proceedings
Revision of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Earthquake Disaster Reconstruction Manual [Reconstruction Measures: Chapter 2: Urban Reconstruction]
4 Observation
- (1)
- Please note that requests to observe this meeting will be accepted online using a web conferencing system. If you would like to observe, please apply by Monday, April 22nd by sending an email to the contact details listed below.
- When applying, please write “Request to observe: Tokyo Metropolitan Government Urban Reconstruction Master Plan Review Committee” in the subject line of your email, and include your affiliation, name, and an email address and phone number that can receive messages on the device you will be using on the day of the meeting.
- (2)Due to the nature of online meetings, there will be a limit on the number of observers. If there are many people wishing to observe, the secretariat will make adjustments. The URL for observing will be sent by email by Tuesday, April 23rd only to those who wish to observe.
Contact information
Urban Development Bureau, Urban Planning Division
Tel: 03-5320-5121
Email: S0000392(at)
*The email address has been changed to prevent spam.
Please replace (at) with @ when using the email address.